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Re: Take little babies to china - 未名空间精华区
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Re: Take little babies to china

发信人: sissymom (sleepy......why!), 信区: Parenting
标 题: Re: Take little babies to china
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Thu Mar 31 22:22:09 2005) WWW-POST

【 在 arthurfan (雅雅) 的大作中提到: 】
: Hi, Friends, a couple of questions:
: Does any one have experience taking little babies less than 3 months old
: back to china? Can you please share such experience?
I don't have exp of international travel with baby. But I was planning to do
so when my daughter was 3 months old (cancelled trip plan later) and did
gather some info from this board. And I brought a 6 month old to travel from
east coast to west coast recently and hopefully some travel exp might help

: How to handle immunization? Can one take the shots for month4 and month6
: china? Or can we find the same shots in china?
I know at least in beijing there is some hospital who can give those shots,
however the cost is quite expensive though. Ask your insurance company to see
if they can cover.

: Is there any jet lag for little babies?
I don't think that's could be a big problem.

: Does long travel affect breast feeding?
No as long as you keep breastfeeding your baby according your regular
schedule, you can use a receiving blanket to cover yourself, I did that and
nobody even noticed me.:P

: How to handle the air travel? What about car seat and so on?
Try to bring as little as possible if you need to connect, since baby is so
young, you can't use light umbrella stroller. A baby carrier might work for
travel, and you can call in advance to reserve a bassinet for your baby so
that he/she can sleep in a more comfortable place. I won't suggest taking
carseat with you, way too bulky and heavy.

: All in all, is it realistic to take babies so young for US-China
: international travel?
It will be hard, but still feasible, actually for such a young baby, he/she
might sleep most of the time during flight, which makes it somehow easier.

: Thanks.

Who said parenting is supposed to work for you?
You work for it!

※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间 mitbbs.com.[FROM: 70.109.]


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